Monday, May 14, 2012

'You Poor Take Courage/You Rich Take Care/This Earth Was Made a Common Treasury for Everyone to Share"

              -from, 'World Turned Upside Down', Billy Bragg

As always, I am never a regular enough writer to merit a blog, but it's my internet, damnit, and I'll do what I like. YOU GUYS SO MUCH IS HAPPENING. To the right is both a wretched photo of myself (fuck you! I don't have to look pretty to change the world!) on May Day this year in Seattle *and* one of the main sentiments I hope to convey to anyone who has ever had the misfortune of talking to me while I was riled up. I mean, I get so riled up I'm still promising myself I'm going to go preach in the park this summer, but it's a scary undertaking, you never know who you might set off, and I don't want to get in to any fights! 

Speaking of fights, me and the rest of the world need to have a little sit down chat about anarchy, the difference between property damage and violence, and the importance of cooperative skill and resource sharing. I'll be paying attention to black bloc and other actions and defenses (a particular favorite is CIRCA, a clowning group here in Cascadia) in Chicago and hope to report more on my personal interactions and impressions. But more on that later!

I'm sitting here in the comfort of my lovely home, with my kitty, typing away on my laptop. In a few days I'm going to meet thousands upon thousands of my brothers and sisters in the streets of Chicago, a city strange and looming to me. I will eat deep dish pizza, see a game at Wrigley, and protest NATO and the military-industrial complex that so utterly fucks over the world. What could be more American than that?

In love and Solidarity,


Sunday, March 25, 2012

What if we all woke up and imagined peace?

Communique #2

Grow. Grow. Grow.

Grow herbs, grow gardens, grow yourselves, grow your community. Do you know how much safer we would all be if we knew our neighbors? Really truly knew them? I'm reading more and more about intentional communities, and would like to try it myself sometime soon.

 I'm a really private person, actually, and cherish my home space quite a bit...but I can't deny that the idea of sharing communal space (through co-housing or some similar organized living scheme, with chickens!) is fast becoming life plan number one right now. I like living in the city, but that's no reason I can't do urban farming, too. And pool resources with close and like-minded friends? Shared food systems, shared social groups, support as a family would give, and one day, maybe childcare.

 It's a lovely dream, and can you imagine how much less stressed out we'd be? You just have to be honest, and have healthy boundaries. It is possible, I truly believe it. I just turned 28, and I have an amazing and loving support group thanks to my time at my local pub. There are people who, just because of who we mutually know, would always have my back at Dunnes. Just love the place.

 I encourage you to assess your close ties, both friends and family, and make plans for co-housing, car-sharing, childcare, tools, food, etc...Who says we can't? Wouldn't it be so much easier than sucking at the teat of mega-corporations and big Agra? We can provide for ourselves? We have makers, we have clothiers, we have electricians, we have gardeners, we have artists, we have enough to make it. And make it kind, and make it beautiful. Don't you yearn for that? I do. And that's why I want to grow.

Just grow.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Communique #1

Liz Rapuzzi, intrepid girl reporter here, reporting on what the fuck is going on with the world. HEY, YOU GUYS! LISTEN! Shit *is* fucked up and bullshit, as the protester's sign said. You must see it. Young black men are either locked up or gunned down like fucking animals in parts of the country, don't give me any 'Oh, Seattle's so much more liberal than that' bullshit. Women are still treated as nothing more than breeders or whores by people in power! Money equals speech in modern day America- no money? Well fuck you too! We feed our children disgusting corn syrup and pink  slime in 'lean beef'. GOOGLE PINK SLIME IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY. We are sending our children to war for NOTHING! They are coming back beaten and broken and we turn our backs on them after all they've done for us! We've got Monsanto and fucking Big-Agra fucking up our goddamn food systems, we've got environmental decimation and The Proposed Coal Terminal in Bellingham! These examples are maybe %1 of all the shit that's fucked up. You know it's true! I mean, fuck this noise, guys! This is OUR country, and no one can take that away from us. This is our WORLD, and our brothers and sisters overseas want to make peace and revolution the inevitability with our help! You've got money? You think you're better than me? Fuck off. We gotta be kind, real fucking kind to each other. We're in this together.

There's so much more to come, and I'll be reporting what I can for friends, family, and the greater community. Playing music of the revolution on my uke and posting videos. Any requests? Shoot me a message. Taking pictures of my time in Chicago for the NATO protests, and of what I see around town through Occupy and the class struggle in general.

Join me. Stand up. Tell your friends! May 1st, General Strike.  Hella Hella Occupy! Dance in the streets and retake your power! PEACE OUT